Welcome to IRDT Uttarakhand E-Syllabus Web Portal

Duration : 2 Years
Eligibility : Graduate
Intake : 40/60 (As approved by AICTE)
Pattern of the Examination : Semester System
Assessment Type : The assessment will we carry out through credit point system/Learning Based Out comes.
Theory & Practical Ratio : 60: 40
Industrial Training: Included after IInd Semester
Ecology & Environment :
Entrepreneurship Development: A subject on Entrepreneurship Development has been incorporated after IInd Semester.
General Proficiency : A provision of 6 periods per week has been made. It Included of various cocurricular activities like games, hobby clubs, seminars, declamation contests, extension lectures, NCC, NSS, cultural activities and discipline etc.


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This course will enable the students to understand the basics of Internet, its connectivity
and its application. In addition, this course develops competency amongst the students
to develop professional websites using HTML, DHTML and Dream weaver.
Internet - Evolution, Protocols, Interface Concepts, Internet Vs Intranet, Growth of
Internet, Application and use of internet in various fields of Science and Technology.
Connectivity - Telephone line, Cable, leased line, Types and functions of modems, IP
addressing, Internet domains , Domain name server, Protocols, TCP/ IP protocols,
Internet service providers.
Word Wide Web (WWW) – Introduction of Web Browsers and its functions, Concept of
Search Engines, Searching the Web, HTTP, URLs, Web Servers, Web Protocols. Space
on Host Server for Website, E-MAIL - Basics of Sending & Receiving. FTP & its
usages. Telnet Concept, Internet chatting - Voice chat, Text chat, video chat. Video
conferencing, E- commerce.
HTML: Introduction, content creation, creating HTML document using a Text Editor,
Saving HTML document, Editing a HTML document, Viewing HTML document in a
Web Browser, Switching between text editor and web browser windows to reflect
changes. Web Page Authoring Using HTML: Basic concept of tags and attributes,
Difference between Container tag and Empty tag. Structural Tags of HTML: ,
,,<BODY>; Attributes of<BODY> (BGCOLOR,</div><div>BACKGROUND, LINK, ALINK, VLINK), Inserting Breaks: Line break<BR>, Page</div><div>break <P> Attributes of<P>(ALIGN), Section break<HR>; Attributes of<HR></div><div>(WIDTH, ALIGN, SIZE, NOSHADE, COLOR), Formatting Tags of</div><div>HTML:<SMALL>, <BIG>, <B>, <I>,<U>,<EM>,<BLOCKQUOTE>, <PRE>,</div><div><SUB>,<SUP>,<STRIKE>,<ADDRESS>, Adding Comments in HTML(<!-- -->),</div><div>Heading tag (<H1> to <H6>); Attributes of Heading tag(ALIGN),<FONT> tag;</div><div>Attributes of <FONT>(SIZE, COLOR, FACE).</div></div></div></div><div class='panel panel-success'><div class='panel-heading'><h4 class='panel-title'><a data-toggle='collapse' data-parent='#accordion' href='#collapse4' style=' font-weight:bold'>Unit –4 12 Periods</a></h4></div><div id='collapse4' class='panel-collapse collapse'><div class='panel-body'><div>Creating Lists: Ordered List:<OL>, <LI>, Attributes of<OL>(TYPE, START,</div><div>VALUE); Unordered Lists: <UL>, <LI>, Attributes of<UL>(TYPE -Disc, Circle,</div><div>Square); Definition List: <DL>,<DT>,<DD> Creating Links: Internal linking</div><div>using<ANAME>and<A HREF>; External linking using <A HREF>; E- Mail linking</div><div>using <A HREF>; Concept of URL; Absolute Links & Relative Links Inserting</div><div>Images: Inserting inline Images using <IMG>; Attributes of <IMG> (SRC, ALIGN,</div><div>WIDTH, HEIGHT, ALT, BORDER) Adding Music :Adding music using<A HREF>,</div><div>adding music using <EMBED>; Attributes of<EMBED>(SRC, WIDTH,</div><div>HEIGHT,LOOP, AUTOSTART, HIDDEN) Creating Tables: Creating Table using</div><div><TABLE>; Attributes of<TABLE> (BORDER, BGCOLOR, BACKGROUND,</div><div>CELLSPACING, CELLPADDING, WIDTH, HEIGHT) Creating rows and</div><div>columns in table using <TR>,<TD>, <TH>;Attributes of <TR>, <TD>, <TH></div><div>(ALIGH, VALIGN, COLSPAN, ROWSPAN) Adding headings for a table</div><div>using<CAPTION>; Attribute of<CAPTION> (ALIGN) Frames: Dividing the window</div><div>into two or more frames using<FRAME>and<FRAMESET>, Use of percentage</div><div>dimensions and relative dimensions while dividing the window; use of</div><div><NOFRAMES>, </ NOFRAMES>; Attributes of<FRAME> (SRC, NAME,</div><div>FRAMEBORDER, MARGINHEIGHT, MARGINWIDTH, SCROLLING,</div><div>NORESIZE); Attributes of<FRAMESET> (ROWS,COLS, BORDER,</div><div>FRAMEBORDER); Forms: <FORM>, Attributes of<FORM> Tag(NAME, ACTION,</div><div>METHOD), Creating Form Interface elements- text box, password box, check box,</div><div>radio button, submit button, reset button, hidden, file using the<INPUT>; Attributes</div><div>of<INPUT> applicable with different interface elements (NAME, SIZE, VALUE,</div><div>ALIGN, MAXLENGTH, CHECKED, TYPE); multiline text are using<TEXTAREA>,</div><div>Attributes of <TEXTAREA>(NAME, ROWS,COLS, WRAP); dropdown list of scroll</div><div>list using <SELECT> and<OPTION>; Attributes of <SELECT> (NAME, SIZE,</div><div>MULTIPLE/SINGLE></div></div></div></div><div class='panel panel-success'><div class='panel-heading'><h4 class='panel-title'><a data-toggle='collapse' data-parent='#accordion' href='#collapse5' style=' font-weight:bold'>Unit –5 12 Periods</a></h4></div><div id='collapse5' class='panel-collapse collapse'><div class='panel-body'><div><div>Document Object Model Concept and Importance of Document Object Model,</div><div>Dynamic HTML documents; Introduction to Cascading Style Sheet(CSS): Creating</div><div>inline, embedded and external cascading style sheets using <style>,<div>,</div><div><span> and <LINK>; Attribute of <div> and <span> (STYLE); Attributes<div>of<LINK> (REL, TYPE, HREF); Font Properties: FONT-FAMILY,FONT-STYLE,</div><div>FONT-SIZE, FONT-VARIANT,FONT-WEIGHT and COLORText Properties:</div><div>COLOR, WORD-SPACING, LETTER-SPACING,TEXT- DECORATION,</div><div>VERTICALALIGN, TEXT-TRANSFORM; TEXT-ALIGN, TEXT-INDENT, LINEHEIGHT;</div><div>Background Properties: BACKGROUND-COLOR, BACKGROUNDIMAGE,</div><div>BACKGROUND-REPEAT; Margin Properties: MARGINS (all values);</div><div>Padding Properties: PADDING (all values); Border Properties: BORDER (all values);</div><div>Positioning: Absolute and Realtive Additional Features: Assigning Classes; XML -</div><div>extensible Markup Language: Introduction, Features, Advantages; Structure of XML:</div><div>Logical Structure, Physical Structures; XML Markup: Element Markup</div><div><style>,<div>,</div><div><span> and <LINK>; Attribute of <div> and <span> (STYLE); Attributes<div>of<LINK> (REL, TYPE, HREF); Font Properties: FONT-FAMILY,FONT-STYLE,</div><div>FONT-SIZE, FONT-VARIANT,FONT-WEIGHT and COLORText Properties:</div><div>COLOR, WORD-SPACING, LETTER-SPACING,TEXT- DECORATION,</div><div>VERTICALALIGN, TEXT-TRANSFORM; TEXT-ALIGN, TEXT-INDENT, LINEHEIGHT;</div><div>Background Properties: BACKGROUND-COLOR, BACKGROUNDIMAGE,</div><div>BACKGROUND-REPEAT; Margin Properties: MARGINS (all values);</div><div>Padding Properties: PADDING (all values); Border Properties: BORDER (all values);</div><div>Positioning: Absolute and Realtive Additional Features: Assigning Classes; XML -</div><div>extensible Markup Language: Introduction, Features, Advantages; Structure of XML:</div><div>Logical Structure, Physical Structures; XML Markup: Element Markup</div><div><style>,<div>,</div><div><span> and <LINK>; Attribute of <div> and <span> (STYLE); Attributes<div>of<LINK> (REL, TYPE, HREF); Font Properties: FONT-FAMILY,FONT-STYLE,</div><div>FONT-SIZE, FONT-VARIANT,FONT-WEIGHT and COLORText Properties:</div><div>COLOR, WORD-SPACING, LETTER-SPACING,TEXT- DECORATION,</div><div>VERTICALALIGN, TEXT-TRANSFORM; TEXT-ALIGN, TEXT-INDENT, LINEHEIGHT;</div><div>Background Properties: BACKGROUND-COLOR, BACKGROUNDIMAGE,</div><div>BACKGROUND-REPEAT; Margin Properties: MARGINS (all values);</div><div>Padding Properties: PADDING (all values); Border Properties: BORDER (all values);</div><div>Positioning: Absolute and Realtive Additional Features: Assigning Classes; XML -</div><div>extensible Markup Language: Introduction, Features, Advantages; Structure of XML:</div><div>Logical Structure, Physical Structures; XML Markup: Element Markup</div></style><div><div>i.e.(<foot>hello</foo>), Attribute Markup i.e.(<element.name property</div><div>="value">)Naming Rules: used for elements, attributes and descriptors; Comments of</div><div>XML; Entity Declarations: <!ENTITY name "replacement text">; Element Declaration</div><div>: <!ELEMENT name. content>; Empty Elements: <!ELEMENT empty. element</div><div>EMPTY>;Unrestricted Elements: <!ELEMENT any. Element ANY>;Element Content</div><div>Model :Element Sequences i.e. <!ELEMENT counting (first, second, third, fourth)>,</div><div>Element Choices <!ELEMENT choose (this.one Is that. one)>, Combined</div><div>Sequences and Choices; Element Occurrence Indicators :-?, %,+ Character Content:</div><div>PCDATA (Parseable Character data) <! ELEMENT text (#PCDATA), Document</div><div>Type Declaration (DTD) and Validation; Developing a DTD: Modify and existing</div><div>XML, Developing a DTD from XML Code, either automatically or manually; Viewing</div><div>XML in Internet Explorer, Viewing XML using the XML Data Source Object;</div></div></span></div></span></div></div></span></div></span></div></div></span></div></span></div></div></div></div></div></div><div class='panel panel-success'><div class='panel-heading'><h4 class='panel-title'><a data-toggle='collapse' data-parent='#accordion' href='#collapse6' style=' font-weight:bold'>Unit –6 08 Periods</a></h4></div><div id='collapse6' class='panel-collapse collapse'><div class='panel-body'><div>Dreamweaver: Basic features of Dreamweaver and implementation of Dreamweaver</div><div>functions / Utility. Introduction to Client side Scripting and Server side Scripting,</div><div>Introduction to JSP, ASP and PHP. Use all the HTML tags using Dreamweaver to make</div><div>website.</div></div></div></div><div class='panel panel-success'><div class='panel-heading'><h4 class='panel-title'><a data-toggle='collapse' data-parent='#accordion' href='#collapse7' style=' font-weight:bold'>List of Practicals</a></h4></div><div id='collapse7' class='panel-collapse collapse'><div class='panel-body'><div>1. Configuring computer system to access Internet</div><div>2. Using E-mail</div><div>3. Using WWW for accessing relevant information</div><div>4. Using Telnet</div><div>5. Using FTP</div><div>7. Creating Web pages using HTML</div><div>8. Create Tables, lists using HTML</div><div>9. Insert Background picture using HTML tags</div><div>10. Design a Website using Dreamweaver</div></div></div></div><div class='panel panel-success'><div class='panel-heading'><h4 class='panel-title'><a data-toggle='collapse' data-parent='#accordion' href='#collapse8' style=' font-weight:bold'>RECOMMENDED BOOKS</a></h4></div><div id='collapse8' class='panel-collapse collapse'><div class='panel-body'><div>1. Internet and Multimedia, E-Commerce and Web Designing by R. Goel and Ramesh</div><div>Chandra JPC 477/ 23, Ansari road Darye Ganj- 110002.</div><div>2. Internet 6- in- 1 by Kraynak and Habraken, Prentice Hall of India Pvt. Ltd; New</div><div>Delhi.</div><div>3. Using the Internet IV Edition by Kasson, Prentice Hall of India Pvt. Ltd; New Delhi.</div><div>4. Using the World Wide Web, (IIndedition) by Wall, Prentice Hall of India Pvt. Ltd;</div><div>New Delhi5. HTML-$ for World Wide Web by Castro Addison Wesley (Singapore)</div><div>Pvt. Ltd; New Delhi.</div><div>6. Teach Yourself HTML 4.0 with XML, DHTML and Java Script by Stephanic,</div><div>Cottrell, Bryant; IDG Books India Pvt. Ltd; New Delhi</div><div>7. Internet for Everyone - Alexis Leon and Mathews Leon, Vikas Publishing House</div><div>Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi</div><div>8. Internet for Dummies - Pustak Mahal, New Delhi</div><div>9. A Beginners Guide to Html Available at: Http://WWW. Ncsa.Uiuc. Edu/General/</div><div>Internet/WWW.Htmlprimerall. HTML</div><div></div></div></div></div> </div> </div> </div> <hr /> <hr /> <div class="row"> <p style=" text-align:right; font-size:10px">Website Developed By <a href="http://softmaart.com/" target="_blank">Softmaart</a></p> </div> </form> </div> </div> </div></div> <div class="col-sm-1"></div> </div> </body> </html>