IRDT Uttarakhand

The The Institute of Research Development & Training (IRDT) is the only institute of its kind, established by state government of Uttarakhand, as a part of Department of Technical Education, Government of Uttarakhand having an independent statusthe main functions carried out by IRDT arei). Curriculum Development for Diploma Engineering &Non Engineering Courseii). Learning Resourse Developmentiii). Conduct Induction Training of Academic & Non Academic Staffiv). To undertake and conduct research projects to uplift the Tech.Educational Systemv). Skill Development of Academic & Non Academic Staff /Communityvi). Community Polytechnic Curriculum Development & Implementation

The State Institute of Research Development & Training is the institute of the state for undertaking training, research and consultancy functions in the technical education under Directorate of Technical Education, Government of Uttarakhand. It works as an organization guided and managed by a UKDTE headed by the Board of Technical Education. The Institute is located in the serene rural surroundings of Aamwala about 20 Km away from the historic city of Dehradun.


Living democracies are sustained by people's power. In turn the enhancement of the power of the citizens is the core mission of the democratic systems. Our mission at IRDT is to enable people-centric, equitable development at the base level. Recognising that capacity building of institutions and individuals is as critical for effective public service as water is for human life, the Institute strives to achieve comprehensive augmentation of base skills of the human resource in various sectors & at multiple layers of governance, including the elected representatives of local self-governments.


The Vision of the Institute is ceaseless upgradation of human skills and appropriate attitudinal reorientation through induction level and in-service training in consonance with the imperatives of changing State level, National and global environment.