Welcome to IRDT Uttarakhand E-Syllabus Web Portal

Duration :
Eligibility : 10th with Science & Mathematics
Intake : 25/40/60(As approved by AICTE/State Govt.)
Pattern of the Examination : Semester System
Assessment Type : The assessment will we carry out through credit point system/Learning Based Out comes
Theory & Practical Ratio : 50: 50
Industrial Training: Included after IInd Semester
Ecology & Environment : As pe Government Directions a subject named Environmental Science & Energy Management has been included.
Entrepreneurship Development: A subject on Entrepreneurship Development has been incorporated after IInd Semester.
General Proficiency : A provision of 6 periods per week has been made. It Included of various cocurricular activities like games, hobby clubs, seminars, declamation contests, extension lectures, NCC, NSS, cultural activities and discipline etc.


Paper Code :
Paper Name :
1.         Introduction-

·       Need of modulation in communication systems

·       Basic block diagram of  communication system 

Amplitude modulation                                                                          

·       Derivation of expression for an amplitude modulated wave. Carrier and side band components. Modulation index. Spectrum and BW of AM Wave. Relative power distribution in carrier and side bands

·       Elementary idea of DSB-SC, SSB-SC, and VSB modulations, their comparison, and areas of applications 

 Frequency & Phase Modulation                                                      

·       Expression for frequency modulated wave and its frequency spectrum (without Proof and analysis of Bassel function), Modulation index, maximum frequency deviation and deviation ratio, BW of FM

·       Need for pre-emphasis and de-emphasis

·       Expression for phase modulated wave, modulation index 


·       Concept of low level and high level modulation

(a)   AM Modulators

Circuit Diagram and working operation of :

·       Collector and Base Modulator

·       Balanced Modulator

·       Square Law Modulator

(b)   FM Modulators

Circuit Diagram and working of reactance modulator, varactor diode modulator, VCO and Armstrong phase modulator.


(a) AM Demodulators

·       Principles of demodulation of AM wave using diode detector circuit.

(b) FM Demodulators

·       Principle of working of the following FM demodulators:

·       Foster-Seeley discriminator

·       Phase locked Loop (PLL) FM demodulators 

- Pulse Modulation                                                                      

·       Statement of sampling theorem and elementary idea of sampling frequency for pulse modulation

·       Types of pulse modulation-PAM, PPM, PWM (Generation &Detection) and their comparison

·       Pulse code Modulation (PCM) Basic scheme of PCM system. Quantization, quantization error, companding Advantages of PCM systems.

·       Introduction to ASK ,FSK ,PSK

AM/FM Transmitters                                                    

·       Classification of transmitters

·       Block diagram and working principles of AM transmitters Reactance transmitter & Armstrong FM Transmitters. 

AM/FM Radio Receivers                                                           

·       Block Diagram and working principle of super heterodyne AM receiver, Advantages of super heterodyne reception.

·       Performance characteristics of a radio receiver-sensitivity, selectivity, fidelity, S/N ratio

·       Selection criteria of intermediate frequency (IF), Concepts of Simple and delayed AGC.

·       Basic Block diagram of an FM receiver




1. To observe an AM wave on CRO to measure the modulation index of the wave obtained

2. To obtain an AM wave from a square law modulator circuit and observe waveforms and to measure the

    modulation index

3. To obtain an FM wave and measure the frequency deviation for different modulating signal

4. To obtain modulating signal from an AM detector circuit and observe the waveform

5. To obtain modulating signal from a FM detector

6. To observe PAM ,PPM and PWM signal and compare it with the analog input signal

7. To feed an analog signal to a PCM modulator and compare the demodulated signal with the analog


8. To plot the sensitivity & selectivity characteristics of a radio receiver and determine the frequency of

    maximum sensitivity.

9. To Study different faults and radio receiver & major the Voltage at the different points of a radio


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