Welcome to IRDT Uttarakhand E-Syllabus Web Portal

Duration : 03 Year
Eligibility : 10th with Science & Mathematics
Intake : 25/40/60(As approved by AICTE/State Govt.)
Pattern of the Examination : Semester System
Assessment Type : The assessment will we carry out through credit point system/Learning Based Out comes
Theory & Practical Ratio : 50: 50
Industrial Training: Included after IInd Semester
Ecology & Environment : As pe Government Directions a subject named Environmental Science & Energy Management has been included.
Entrepreneurship Development: A subject on Entrepreneurship Development has been incorporated after IInd Semester.
General Proficiency : A provision of 6 periods per week has been made. It Included of various cocurricular activities like games, hobby clubs, seminars, declamation contests, extension lectures, NCC, NSS, cultural activities and discipline etc.


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C’ is the most widely used computer language, which is being taught as a core course. C is general purpose structural language that is powerful, efficient and compact, which combines features of high level language and low-level language. It is closer to both Man and Machine. Due to this inherent flexibility and tolerance it is suitable for different development environments. Due to these powerful features, C has not lost its importance and popularity in recently developed and advanced software industry. C can also be used for system level programming and it is still considered as first priority programming language. This course covers the basic concepts of C. This course will act as “Programming concept developer” for students. It will also act as “Backbone” for subjects like OOPS, Visual Basic, Windows Programming, JAVA etc.
At the end of the Course, the students will be able to
Define Program, Algorithm and flowchart
List down and Explain various program development steps
Write down algorithm and flow chart for simple problems.
Describe the concepts of Constants, Variables, Data types and operators.
Develop programs using input and output operations.
Use of command line arguments.
Explain compiler controlled directives.
Understand the structure and usage of different looping and branching statements.
Define arrays and string handling functions.
Explain user-defined functions, structures and union.
Define pointers and using the concept of Pointers.
To understand the dynamic data structure and memory management
1 Program Algorithm & flow chart:- Program development cycle- Programming language levels & features. Algorithm – Properties & classification of Algorithm, flow chart – symbols, importance &advantage of flow chart.    
2 Introduction C: - History of C – features of C structure of C program–Compiler , interpretator, link & run a program. Diagrammatic representation of program execution process.   
3 Variables, Constants & Data types:. C character set-Tokens- Constants- Key words – identifiers and Variables – Data types and storage – Data type Qualifiers – Declaration of Variables – Assigning values to variables- Declaring variables as constants-Declaration –Variables as volatile- Overflow & under flow of data    
4 C operators:-Arithmetic, Logical, Assignment .Relational, Increment and Decrement, Conditional, Bitwise, Special Operator precedence and Associatively. C expressions – Arithmetic expressions – Evaluation of expressions- Type cast operator    
5 .I/O statements: Formatted input, formatted output, Unformatted I/O statements    
6 Branching:- Introduction – Simple if statement – if –else – else-if
ladder , nested if-else-Switch statement – go statement – Simple programs.    
7 Control  statements:- While, do-while statements, for loop, break & continue statement – Simple programs 6    
8 Arrays:- Declaration and initialization of One dimensional, Two dimensional and Character arrays – Accessing array elements –Programs using arrays      
9 Strings :- Declaration and initialization of string variables, Reading String, Writing Strings–String handling functions, String manipulation programs    
10 User defined functions:- Defining functions & Needs-, Scope and Lifetime of Variables, , Function call, return values, Storage classes, Category of function – Recursion – Simple programs    
11 Structures and Unions:- Structure – Definition, initialization, arrays of structures, Arrays with in structures, structures within structures, Structures and functions – Unions – Structure of Union – Differencebetween Union and structure – Simple programs.  
12 Pointers:- Definition – advantages of pointers – accessing the address of a variable through pointers - declaring and initializing pointers- pointers expressions, increment and scale factor- array of pointers- pointers and array - pointer and character strings –function arguments–pointerstofunctions–pointersandstructures–programs using pointer.        
13 File Management: Introduction-Defining and opening a file-closing a
file-Input/ Output operations on files—Error handling during I/O operations –Random Access to files—Programs using files 8Hrs  
1. Programming in ANSI C 4E by Prof. E. BALAGURUSAMY, the TATA McGRAW –
HILL publications.
S.No Title Author Publisher Year of
Publishing/ Edition    
1. Programming and Problem solving usingC ISRD Group, Lucknow Tata Mc-GrawHill, NewDelhi Sixth Reprint 2010    
2. Let us C YeswanthKanetkar BPB Publications Fourth Revised    
3. A TextBookonC E.Karthikeyan PHI Private Limited, NewDelhi 2008    
4. Programming in C D.Ravichandran New Age
International Publishers,Chennai FirstEdition1996 Reprint2011    
5. Computer Concepts and Dr.S.S.Khandare S.Chand& Company Ltd. NewDelhi FirstEdition2010    
6. Complete Knowledge in C SukhenduDey, DebobrataDutta Narosa Publishing House, New Delhi Reprint2010    
7. Programming in C ReemaTheraja Oxford University Press FirstEdition2011    
8. Practical C Programming Steve Oualline O’Reilly, Shroff Eleventh Indian ReprintOct2010  
Part – A
Print your name and address.
Find simple and compound interest
Write a C program to swap two variable’s using(i)third variable and(ii) without using a third variable.
Write a program to convert a given number of days into months and days using integer arithmeticoperators.
Write a program the use of variables in expression and theirevaluation.
Write a program converts the given temperature in Fahrenheit to Celsius using preprocessor.
Write a program to find the largest number between given threenumbers.
Write a program to perform followingtasks
Find factorial of anumber
Print prime numbers up Ntimes.
Write a program to prepare the total marks for N students by reading the Reg.No, Name, Mark1 to Mark6 by using array ofstructures.
Write a program using the function power (a,b) to calculate the value of a raised tob.
Write a program to find the length of the given string usingpointers.
Part – B
Read an integer number, find the number of digit and sum of all individual digits and also print the above number in reverse order.
Write a program to perform followingtasks
Print Fibonacci series up to N terms and itssum.
Print whether a given year is leap ornot.
Read a sentence through command line argument. Write a program to write out the string arguments to main in reverseorder.
Write a program to arrange the given N names in alphabeticalorder.
Write a program to count the numbers and chars in thestring.
Write a program that uses a function to sort an array of integers.
Write a program to calculate the subject wise and student wise totals and store them as a part of the structure.
Write a program to read 10 values to an array variable. Use pointers to locate and display eachvalue.
Write a program that uses a table of integers whose size will be specified interactively at runtime.
Write a program to store a character string in a block of memory space created by MALLOC and then modify the same to store a largerstring.

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