Welcome to IRDT Uttarakhand E-Syllabus Web Portal

Duration : 2 Years
Eligibility : Graduate
Intake : 40/60 (As approved by AICTE)
Pattern of the Examination : Semester System
Assessment Type : The assessment will we carry out through credit point system/Learning Based Out comes.
Theory & Practical Ratio : 60: 40
Industrial Training: Included after IInd Semester
Ecology & Environment :
Entrepreneurship Development: A subject on Entrepreneurship Development has been incorporated after IInd Semester.
General Proficiency : A provision of 6 periods per week has been made. It Included of various cocurricular activities like games, hobby clubs, seminars, declamation contests, extension lectures, NCC, NSS, cultural activities and discipline etc.


Paper Code :
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Language is the most commonly used medium of self-expression in all spheres of human life – personal, social and professional. A student must have a fair knowledge of English language and skills to communicate effectively to handle the future jobs in industry. The objective of this course is to enable the diploma holders to acquire proficiency, both in spoken (oral) and written language. At  the  end  of  the  course,  the  student  will  be able  to  develop  comprehension  skills,  improve vocabulary, use proper grammar, acquire writing skills, correspond with others and enhance skills in spoken English. 
Introduction and Definition of Communication, Process of Communication
-          Objectives of Communication
-          Media and Modes of Communication
-          Channels of Communication
-          Barriers to Communication
-          Listening Skills
-          Body language
 Certificate Writing
-          Medical Experience
-          Provisional Pass Certificate
-          Character Certificate etc.
-          Resume/Curriculum vitae writing/ Biodata
-           Letter
-           Business Letters
- Personal   letters  
Glossary of Technical and Scientific Terms (English and Hindi)
              -          Translation from Hindi to English
  Unseen passages of literacy, scientific, data/graph based for comprehension exercises
Writing a paragraph of 100-150 words from given outlines                             
Topic may include noise pollution, deforestation, wild life, green house effect, 
                   desertification, water pollution, poverty, illiteracy, population explosion, effect of 
                 television etc.
Report Writing
- Memos, Circulars, Notes and Notices
-Press Release
-Agenda and Minutes of Meetings
-Applying for a Job
Personality development- 
Personality development and its traits.
       -Leadership skills.
      - Types of personality.
      -  Public speaking.
      - Stress management.
       -Inter personal skills.
.  How to seek information from an Encyclopedia.
2.  Listening pre-recorded English Language Program
3.  Paper Reading before an audience (reading unseen passage)
4.  Study of Spelling Rules.
5.  Essential of a good speech to respond and comprehend visual, oral themes and situations or stimulus and practice before select gathering
6.  Exercise on use of different Abbreviations
7.  Greetings for different occasions
8.  Introducing oneself, others and leave taking.
9.  Exercises on writing sentences on a topic.
10.Practice on browsing information on Internet
11.Group Discussion
12.Mock Interviews
13.Telephone Etiquette-demonstration and practice.
14.Situational conversion with feedback through video recording.
15.Presentation on a given theme (using power point)
16.Exercises leading to personality development like mannerism, etiquettes and body language etc.
17. Reading Unseen Passage.
18.Writing (Developing) and paragraph.
 19.  Exercises on writing notices and telephonic messages
  A communication laboratory may be set up consisting of appropriate audio- video system with facility of playing CDs/DVDs and a video camera for recording the performance of each student with play back facility. A set of CDs from any language training organization e.g. British Council etc. may be procured for use of students.
2.        Elements of body language will be incorporated in all practicals
1.     English and Communication Skills, Book-II By Kuldip Jaidka, Alwainder Dhillon and Parmod Kumar Singla, Prescribed by NITTTR, Chandigarh & Published By Abhishek Publication, 57-59, Sector-17, Chandigarh
2.        Essentials of Business Communication by Pal and Rorualling; Sultan Chand
            and Sons
3.        The Essence of Effective Communication, Ludlow and Panthon; Prentice Hall
            Of India
4.        A Practical English Grammar by Thomson and Marlinet
5.        Spoken English by V Sasikumar and PV Dhamija; Tata McGraw Hill
6.        English Conversation Practice by Grount Taylor; Tata McGraw Hill
7.        Developing Communication Skills by Krishna Mohan and Meera Banerji; MacMillan India Ltd., Delhi
8.     Business Correspondence and Report Writing by RC Sharma and Krishna Mohan; Tata McGraw Hill Publishing Company Ltd. New Delhi
9.        Communication Skills by Ms R Datta Roy and KK Dhir; Vishal 
      Publication, Jalandhar

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